Frequently Asked Questions
As a Client, you & your employees & their family members may access the following personal services at 20% discount rate:
Weddings: Wedding planning help, premarital counseling, ceremony officiating, and follow-up counseling are available.
HospitalVisits: Pastoral hospital visits & end-of-life counseling for those with serious, long-term, or terminal illness.
Funerals: Coordinate funeral services, officiate funeral, short-term or long-term grief & loss counseling.
For an employer to verify that I, as a chaplain, met with employees without compromising confidentiality, I will provide a monthly log of meeting times and durations for my Employee Care Hours (e.g., “Tuesday, 10-11:00 a.m., one-on-one care) without listing who attended, letting the employer see my hours in action. I also provide a 1 sentence general detail of the meeting while ensuring names remain anonymous (e.g., “Employee said the session helped with stress”).
An Employee Care Hour is any intentional, chaplain-led activity focused on supporting employee well-being, such as a 60-minute one-on-one meeting addressing personal issues where the chaplain listens and offers practical guidance.
I cover the following topics at both the Lunch & Learn and the Coffee & Care meetings. This list is not exhaustive, and I am open to any additional topics you think would serve your employees.
Talks on how to deal with stress while staying productive.
Talks on how to avoid burnout and catch it early.
Talks on how to navigate negative emotions.
Talks on conflict resolution at home and work.
Talks on dealing with isolation and loneliness in a busy world.
Talks on managing kids and career stress.
Talks on purpose & guidance in life.
Talks on adapting to changes at work or at home.
Talks on normalizing asking for help and the art of helping others.
Talks on dealing with financial stress and developing financial strategies.
Talks on marriage and dating.
Talks on the importance of of celebrating and grieving life’s ups and downs.
Talks on cultivating gratitude and joy in life.
Talks on how to be more productive in life, set goals, and prioritize daily tasks.
My general areas of counsel & care include: Addiction / Anger / Anxiety / Depression / Grief & Loss / Fear / Identity & Purpose / Marriage & Family Life / Guilt & Shame / Dating & Friendships / Healthy Communication & Conflict Resolution / Productivity / Vocational Calling / Loneliness.
No. I will provide good decision-making principles, but I will not give specific counsel when it comes to whether an empoyee remains employed at your business or not.
I meet with employees both onsite and offsite. Whether in a conference room or coffee shop, or wherever is best for both the business & employee, I am flexible.
As a male chaplain, when I meet with a female employee, I prioritize professionalism, comfort, and boundaries to ensure trust, avoid misunderstandings, and protect both parties—especially in a workplace setting. I prefer to meet in an open area like a break room, cafeteria, or office with glass walls where others can see but not hear, or in a coffee shop, keeping it private yet above board. I can also meet on Zoom, Teams, or FaceTime.